Saturating Doodles

Method Analysis!

Tiny because these really started off as thumbnail sketches.
I tried to keep them as raw as possible by adding things rather than “knitting” them together.

9-11-19 I picked the colours I would use on these before starting on them. Based a lot on which colours or combinations I had been using recently & avoiding them!

The little Hill Book from a few years ago is how this “page” started, but it has now progressed to “Real Time”. This picture is the only one in this set that has't gone any further. ~ working as a title page!

9-11-19 I picked the colours I would use on these before starting on them. Based a lot on which colours or combinations I had been using recently & avoiding them!
My Forestry

Deep in the arms “Bowels” an album concerned with being amongst trees. 2/10/19 this being my heading page, but not the title for this whole shebang! Bowels being generally what this Blog post is about, but a bit more attractive. These blog posts will go on to form the reels on the web site section concerning this run of work.

Deep in the arms “Bowels” an album concerned with being amongst trees. 2/10/19 this being my heading page, but not the title for this whole shebang! Bowels being generally what this Blog post is about, but a bit more attractive. These blog posts will go on to form the reels on the web site section concerning this run of work.
“Bowels” an album concerned with being amongst trees.
this being my heading page, but not the title for this whole shebang!
Bowels being generally what this Blog post is about, but a bit more attractive.
These blog posts will go on to form the reels on the web site section concerning this run of work.

Through my father’s eyes.
It was Shipping Hill early 80’s or maybe more, I was at the bottom of the property with my father. It must have been early spring because we could see the house through the trees.
In a quiet moment, he turned around to me and said "I wonder what will happen to this place when I am gone." It shook me up a bit – I thought that the place would go on for ever. I see what he meant now.
Public Building,
The Indonesian Archipelago.

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image
A mix of stuff that happened at the end of last year.
There are no “titles” as such ~ no compositions or stuff that has a progression of images as explanation.
Some of them hit the mark & some of them didn’t!

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image