Mouse Turret
Prequel. Julian!

For me, the turret started off in a skip down in the car repairs yard below my studio in Ladywood (2005?)

I had had a phase of building huts & structures and on seeing half a dozen of them lying down there ~ I just knew that I must take at least one!
It stayed in the corner of the studio for maybe three years ~ I didn’t know what to do with it and didn’t want to waste it. The only thing I knew was that it had to be a tower.

We spent a two week holiday deal in Varkala, Kerala in a Dak Bungalow, around Christmas 2007. Where I was painting big & bold & fast as I always do when I am there. All of a sudden, I had a miniature exhibition on my hands and I had the answer for where to put it~ a travelling exhibition for mice.
Adventure Comics
I started this lot off in a room in the harbour at Simi ~ quite close to Rhodes. Strictly as comic strip pictures- pretty direct, I suppose!.
It followed on to the Argonauts, but there was a fair bit of transition in between.
In a sence, these comic pics are still a prelude, a starting point for the mural "The Argonauts" in the glass fronted bottom of the old central library in Birmingham.
( A building that I used and enjoyed and for the life of me cannot fathom out why it had to be replaced)

Studio & Wilton Library Close ups.
Covering the comic boxes layout.
With maybe the end product mural in view.
These are detailed photos of the mural in close up comic book terms.
Painted in plastic on very big polythene sheets

Backdrop ~ Many fragments of.
22-02-20. Conclusion.
The backdrop was painted pretty close to the Argonauts albeit finishing slightly afterward.
Both projects happened mainly because of the amount of space that I had. It was a large communal studio situation & a bulk of the painting was carried out in the colder months. Bob Morris had left his studio next to mine and left me with a dozen or more 10ft/4ft polystyrene panels. Taking on the backdrop allowed me to tighten up or get more into detail & follow whims, let it go where-ever.
Although, the thing had existed from a few years before when I had used it as a backdrop for a miniature stage I built in a Live/Work project
A Show @ the Chameleon Gallery
Walsall 2006
Alan Cheeseman decided to hold another show at his place a year after the first.
My offering was to repeat or copy the same motive again & again, only getting a little different each time we put them in a square around the top of four walls.
Dave Checkley has them now.
This scroll operates by itself

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