Having rejoined this site 19-5-18
Im kind of surprised that it covers a lot of the contacts that I was thinking I could add.
So I'm basically trying to make it work in terms of contacts and also work that I have made since I published this a few years ago.
I kind of do believe I was right to keep up free post sites, as when you pay - - the site gets closed down after a year ( or so I imagine)
I have put this site together in order to join up all my online loose ends - my blog sites are beginning to run wild and the face book albums are becoming obese.

All of the above images are links to relative sites. Please click on the icon and at the bottom of the larger image that pops up - below the decription is a small red link prompt.
This is a structure I built in the "summer holidays" half way through a part time M.A. Course in Birmingham. It was built directed at a presentation at the start of the second year. There was an awful lot of scrap lying about and I put it up and took it down in five days.
The sound track was made from recordings from cassettes mixed with stuff from a very cheap set of keyboards - - - I dont remember how I did it!
It is in black and white because there were too many pretty flowers around and I didn't want to confuse any issues.
Studio in Ladywood - loved the place - I suppose it was a "New Millennia" haunt in a way . whatever - I was there for a long time.
Bloody cold at winter - had to build myself a hut which I could sleep in from tme to time. had a hairdryer which I could use on fearsome occasions.
The Throne Room
At the X-ray Factory in Smethwick.
All who sat in this space were equal.
3rd Home Page
This is my third home page on this site, the third period of time I’ve spent working on it. Maybe, I should lock myself away for a week & tie the whole thing up!
I have been trying to link things up but I seem to be creating a sense of non-conformity and will probably end up making most links in duplicate in different places. It’s probably down to following various trains of thought rather than looking at it as a whole.

This is the blurb & the links are spurious! The (poor) best way is to get around the site is through the tabs on the top.
Maybe I ought to date things / sections more. Maybe do a chronological link chart.