As I start this page, all the scrolls are from Goa
& they are all stills from hand-held video tapes.
To me, when I took the video, then extracted the stills, this was cutting edge technology. (back in 2000!)
Not twenty years on and its far from it now.
Well, that was then whenever that was and I have come across various bits from "time abroad" which look like they could make it into a slider gallery

Sunset from a local restaurant in Anjuna.
Complete with efficient imported staff,
until they got too efficient! Such is Goan business.

We first went to Fort Terracol in 1980,
We went there by canoe and had to tip ladies to carry water up for us.
This was our third visit and we stayed in the same room.
This room, I suppose is a large part of my being - watching the small craft navigating a difficult estuary.

Outside fort Terracol and my son's first meeting with a big dog

A can of worms from Goa 2000!
Hopefully, a comparison between how those so called hippies and the Bombay neveau elite have attempted, or are attempting to colonize certain beach areas

The Hampies
Wild women down from Karnataka, out to make a buck. Coming from round about Hampy. They are not to be messed with!

Bazaar towns, areas or pop up sales points. Whatever its all for sale!

I suppose, what you could call the left overs - but still important enough to include.
Shrines from Rhodes 2001
Just before the M.A. show.
Hired a car, driving round the island and doing videos of every shrine I came across. I forget the reason (before the act) for doing it, but more and more I see why.
Maybe, it’s down to the fact that I’ve always built gang huts, with found materials. Also the fact that I’m a bit of an archivist, collect the information as it were & maybe make something out of it.
I love doing stills ~ for me taking an ace photo is not only the shot, but the split second timing. With a still, I can frame by frame pick the moment (not that I was particularly concerned with these!) Gives me a chance to ignore how “un-sharp” the images are.
It’s part of a page on the website where I’m in the process of putting three or four “collections” like this together.

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