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Various bunches of work (mostly flat) that work as a group, but not necessarily with other sliders on this page. And not necessarily in chronological order.
There are other, more defined scrolls on other pages in this section / tab.

Collages from Shipping Hill 2016

Scrap book images that I put together more or less as a break whilst working on bigger things.
Studio in Ladywood 2012.
Greek Islands late 1978
The studio at Ladywood which I used for at least a decade. It was cold in the winter but homely.
I built a little hut which had a little bed. Sometimes I would go there in the evening get some booze and just sit and think about what I was working on, then hit the ground running when it became light and the morning sun would warm up the start of the day in my corner of the building.

A sketch book I shared with Aydin

starting about 98 and covering a few places both home and abroad.

This was basically just before and up to the start of an M.A. course at Margaret Street Birmingham


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