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In & Around

M.A. Margaret Street, 2000

(First Part)

Mainly about the M.A. Show

Drinks & a Crow

A small comment on Empirical behaviour ~ all the conquests & the English attitude toward them.

Also on the side of the box a different slant from an American perspective. A poem by e.e. cummins




ydoan o
yunnuhstand dem
yguduh ged

yunnuhstan dem doidee
yguduh ged riduh
ydoan o nudn




lidl yelluh bas
tuds weer goin




A space(s) tables triptitch.

The Cock upstairs

Bird & Instructions Tables

Hero Slides

Sunday, 23 September 2018

The struggle for trying to (re)present what my work was supposed to be about.
I was supposed to convey the substance of my practice and what was I supposed to say? So I made up a list of good ideas and illustrated them for presentation - they thought I was leading them on a wild goose chase  - well well well !

I was working from a book identifying & analyzing  the various spaces we incorporate into our daily lives.
I'm afraid I can't remember for the life of me, what it was!

Strange - reading all of this which was basically a "keep them off my back" public tutorial. And which was, in the end - a large part of what was happening to me, with or without the M.A. And which, often enough - transpired!
(Going back)
I wouldn't have swapped this M.A. lightly at all.
It was great to be a bit of a rebel again, have another opportunity to be one.
I learnt a lot about myself & my relationship with art and in fact to the art establishment. And to fit into that space without self-damage!

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